Wine Tip: 6 Wineries to Know in Washington and Oregon




These Pacific Northwest wineries offer high-scoring wines at reasonable prices

Argyle was among the second generation of Willamette Valley wineries that helped lead Oregon into a golden era of Pinot Noir. Founded in 1987 and now owned by Distinguished Vineyards & Wine Partners, Argyle had its genesis with Texas-born winemaker Rollin Soles, who set the house style and kept his hands dirty in the vineyard. It’s that connection to its vineyard sources that made Argyle what it is today, and one reason value can still be found in the portfolio. Nate Klostermann, who took Soles’ place in 2013, can draw on 460 acres of vines, with the backbone vineyards Knudsen in Dundee Hills and Lone Star and Spirit Hill in Eola-Amity Hills providing a versatile palette of terroirs, clonal selections and vine age for Argyle’s Pinots and Chardonnays alike.

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