Meet Your New Favorite Wine This Holiday Season

Portland Monthly Logoby Cassondra Bird

When Cameron’s winemaker, John Paul Cameron, visited Piemonte, Italy, he noticed the similarities in terrain and climate and thought nebbiolo could grow in Oregon as well.

The Willamette Valley is renowned for producing world-class pinot noir and chardonnay, and the term “Oregon wine” has become synonymous with pinot. But Portland’s beloved wine region also grows elegant pinot gris, Riesling, and Syrah, among others. Because Oregon has such a diverse array of microclimates, an astounding number of varietals can be grown throughout the state. Since we’re celebrating the season a little differently this year, let’s drink differently, too, and expand our horizons while supporting our local vintners.

Pinot noir and chardonnay are the main grapes used in Champagne, and the Willamette Valley produces wonderful sparkling wines made using the Champagne method, which involves a second fermentation in the bottle, creating carbonation. Argyle Winery is known as a sparkling house and has been making its balanced and elegant Argyle Vintage Brut using this method since 1987—a reliable, delectable sparkling to serve at any party.”

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